On Sun, May 29, 2005 at 01:22:55PM +0300, Michael Veksler wrote:
> Haren Visavadia wrote on 29/05/2005 10:51:00:
> >
> > You can search Bugzilla as well, so you do not fill in
> > duplicate bug report.
> Unfortunately, this is not 100% correct. Recently I have filed several
> duplicates, *after* searching Bugzilla.
> 1. There are too many ways to phrase a title, and too many
>    times I search for wrong words.
> 2. The same bug may have several different user
>    visible behaviors. You will end up with at least one
>    duplicate per user visible behavior.

That's OK.  It's better to have duplicates than to have a bug go
unreported; the duplicates even serve the purpose of sending the
message that this is an important bug (if the same bug can be
encountered in very different ways).

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