Haren Visavadia wrote on 29/05/2005 10:51:00:
> You can search Bugzilla as well, so you do not fill in
> duplicate bug report.

Unfortunately, this is not 100% correct. Recently I have filed several
duplicates, *after* searching Bugzilla.
1. There are too many ways to phrase a title, and too many
   times I search for wrong words.

2. The same bug may have several different user
   visible behaviors. You will end up with at least one
   duplicate per user visible behavior.

   At work, I maintain a bug database for my project and I
   sometimes need to fire-up a debugger to find out that
   a reported bug is a well known one.

   Many times only a trained developer (in the project) can assert
   that a PR is indeed a duplicate of another one.

3. Nontrivial search of GCC Bugzilla are, sometimes,
   extremely slow (over a minute). This inhibits multiple
   searches. I usually give up after the first one, and don't
   bother with a different type of query (which could have
   revealed a similar PR).

> As long as the bug report can be easily reproduced, it
> will probably not get made invalid.
Mostly true, but not always. Bugs will be normally marked
invalid when the bug is in other parts of the toolchnain, or
in the processor. This happens even when it is possible to
implement a work-around in gcc.

Two examples come in mind:
1. Non conformance of x86 to the standard FP due to
   its extra precision. This includes different results
   between -O2 and -O0 even with -fsave-temps.
   Several PR about this issue were marked invalid in
   the past.
   This is a bug in two places:
    i.  x86 FP which implements wrong precision.
    ii. glibc that claims in its headers that it sets to set
       default precision to 64 bits, when in practice it
       sets it to 80 bits.
    Nevertheless, gcc can implement a work-around. The
    PRs may have stayed open with a low priority, putting
    the issue on a list of projects that someone may want
    to pick up.
2. GDB crashes on AIX because a bug in either gcc, gdb,
   or the native /bin/as.  Every one of these tools points
   fingers to the other direction. I tend to believe the bug
   is in GDB

   yet, the work-around in gcc is only 2 lines.
   If GCC and GDB were one project instead of two, it is
   possible that the work-around approach would be implemented.
   But because GDB is a different project, and the fix is nontrivial [1]
   it will probably be never fixed (unless AIX moves to dwarf).

Technically speaking, these are not GCC bugs. However, from
user's POV they *are* GCC bugs. This mismatch between user
and developer perceptions is not very healthy and may inhibit
other PRs. Maybe developers should be more open to "fixing"
things that are not purely GCC bugs?

Another thing that intimidates users is the complexity of
C and C++. Things that may look like bugs are not really
1. Undefined (unspecified?) behavior due to aliasing rules.
2. Two stage name lookup in templates is confusing.
   Because of that I will not report a bug related to templates,
   before mailing a query to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   It is not only a "fault" of ISO C++, but also of gcc [2].

[1] The fix could be trivial, but I could not find it. Despite having no
    time to learn neither GCC nor GDB source I was able to
   1. Follow the bug from GDB crash back to GCC.
   2. Find how to trivially "fix" it in GCC.
   3. Yet I was unable to find how to fix GDB.
   This leads me to believe that fixing GDB is more difficult.

[2] GCC could implement a better error message. An example
    for a good report is:
     $ cat t.cpp
      int f()  {
        for (int i=0 ; i < 10 ; ++i)
        return i;
    $  g++ t.cpp
    t.cpp: In function 'int f()':
    t.cpp:4: error: name lookup of 'i' changed for new ISO 'for' scoping
    t.cpp:2: error:   using obsolete binding at 'i'

   A similar thing could be done for (probably nontrivial task)
   $ cat t2.cpp
   template <class T> struct A { T t; };
   // Swap the follwing 2 functions to get valid C++
   template <class T> void foo(const A<T>& data)
   { foo((int)data.t); }
   void foo(int data);

   Instead of today's uninformative error:
   t2.cpp: In function `void foo(const A<T>&)':
   t2.cpp:3: error: no matching function for call to `foo(int&)'

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