>>>>> "Robert" == Robert Dewar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

 Robert> Peter Barada wrote:
 >>> We're not talking about 5% speedup; if the linker starts
 >>> thrashing because of insufficient memory you pay far more than
 >>> that.  And certainly anyone with an older computer who is
 >>> dissatified with its performance, but doesn't have a lot of
 >>> money, should look into getting more memory before anything else.
 >>> Still, the GNU project shouldn't be telling people in the third
 >>> world with cast-off machines that they are out of luck; to many
 >>> of them, 256M is more than they have.

 Robert> Sure it would be nice if GCC could operate well on obsolete
 Robert> machines but you can't expect the mainline development to pay
 Robert> too much attention to extreme cases like this. After all, you
 Robert> can buy from Dell today a 2.4GHz machine with a 17" monitor,
 Robert> DVD drive, and 256Meg memory for $299 complete. 

Certainly.  But GCC doesn't build well at all on such a machine.  It
seems to me that the expectation right now is at least a gig or two of
RAM.  My machine roughly fits your description except for having 512
meg of RAM, and builds on it are ok only if you avoid Java.

 Robert> Perhaps a separate project dedicated to old tiny machines is
 Robert> the way to go.

I.e., all non-GHz platforms should be on the obsolete list?


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