On Mon, 16 May 2005, DJ Delorie wrote:

so I assume setting hard ulimit to 128MB will just result in build
process crashing instead of slowdown and swapping,

We would limit physical ram, not virtual ram. If you do a "man setrlimit", I'm talking about RLIMIT_RSS. The result would be slowing down and swapping, not crashing.

But will this really work? For example FreeBSD's manpage says:

``RLIMIT_RSS      The maximum size (in bytes) to which a process's resident
                  set size may grow.  This imposes a limit on the amount of
                  physical memory to be given to a process; if memory is
                  tight, the system will prefer to take memory from pro-
                  cesses that are exceeding their declared resident set

What I have problem understanding is the last sentence of this paragraph in the light of your claim that it will results in swapping especially when we consider developers' machines with 512MB/1GB RAM, i.e. machines where memory is not "tight".

Karel Gardas                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
ObjectSecurity Ltd.           http://www.objectsecurity.com

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