And I'll say it again. If you want what LXR provides (and yes, I
looked it up) then get Doxygen. It runs on every platform, comes
bundled with many distributions, and it will give you an output in
HTML that will give you every cross-reference you care to name. If you
want something that you can further process it will give you an output
in pure XML. There are already many other good solutions to your

If you're so hot to re-invent the LXR wheel and you feel the burning
need for cross reference output from gcc, then why don't you write
that cross-reference output feature?

On 5/15/05, Paul Albrecht <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> William Beebe writes:
> >
> >If you want that kind of cross referencing, then you shouild look at
> Doxygen (
> >
> I need the cross-reference output from the compiler because I want to write
> a source code browser like LXR.  That's why I asked the question.  Again, is
> there a way to generate a cross-reference listing for a c/c++ program using
> gcc?  If not, the has anyone considered adding a gcc compiler option to
> output cross-reference information?

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