>> What's really sad is that for cross-compilation of the toolchain, we
>> have to repeat a few steps (build gcc twice, build glibc twice)
>> because glibc and gcc assume that a near-complete environment is
>> available(such as gcc needing headers, and glibc needing -lgcc-eh), so
>> even really fast machines(2.4Ghz P4) take an hour to do a cross-build
>> from scratch. 
>That sounds comparable to the time required to build RTEMS toolsets.  I 
>just looked at the timestamp on the build logs for a gcc 4.0.0 CVS build 
>with newlib 1.13.0 and it is on the order of 60-90 minutes per target on 
>a 2.4 Ghz P4 w/512 MB RAM.  This is just C and C++ and the variance is 
>probably mostly due to the number of multilibs.

This is for a m68k-linux build (with coldfire-linux config for glibc),
and its only the C compiler, so adding C++ will obvioulsy make it take

>A 2.4 Ghz P4 isn't what I would consider an obsolete machine and it took 
>90 minutes for "make" -- not a full bootstrap.

Even on a 3.0Ghz P4 with HT, 1Gb DDR and a hardware RAID with SATA
drives it takes about 30 minutes so there's a *lot* of work going on,
and I'd call that near cutting-edge.

Peter Barada

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