Peter Barada wrote on 17/05/2005 07:12:41:

> >BS.  Even the large disto builders do cross compilations a lot.
> Yeah, I know.  I did consulting for a 'large disto builder'.  Do you
> have a clue how long it takes to build the base packages for a PXA255
> board(including X11 that won't even run on the board but is required
> due to package dependecies)?  Can you think in *days*, and that was
> more than a year ago.  Even then we were all concerned about the trend
> in compliation speed.  Speak of what you *personally* know.

If things are as bad as you say, then IMVHO you may write a small
utility for PXA255 that will impersonate a native gcc compiler. This
utility will RPC (or ssh, etc) a cross compiler on a GHz machine, and will
then pull the results back to your PXA255 (via NFS, RPC, SSH, etc).
Maybe you can even take distcc and hack it to give you what you
need. This may cut your times by a couple of orders of magnitude.

Of course, this will not help someone in Bangladesh with a Pentium.


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