>>>>> Kate Minola writes:

Kate> Has anyone had success in building gcc-4.0.0 RC1 on a 
Kate> powerpc-ibm-aix5.2.0.0 (a primary platform)?

Kate> After 

Kate> configure --enable-languages=c
Kate> make bootstrap

Kate> I get 

Kate> : [stuff deleted]
Kate> : build/genattrtab 
rs6000.md > tmp-attrtab.c
Kate> : 
Kate> : out of memory allocating 12016 bytes after a total of 4161654476 bytes

Kate> My bootstrap compiler is 

Kate> % gcc -v
Kate> Reading specs from
Kate> Configured with: ../gcc-3.4.2/configure --enable-languages=c
Kate> --prefix=/usr/local/gcc-3.4.2/powerpc-AIX
Kate> Thread model: aix
Kate> gcc version 3.4.2
Kate> %

Kate> Of course, the problem could be with my machine rather than gcc.

        This probably says more about GCC 3.4.2 on AIX than about GCC 4.0
RC1.  See the messages to the gcc-testresults mailinglist about successful
AIX 5.2 bootstrap of GCC 4.


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