----Original Message----
>From: Kate Minola
>Sent: 12 April 2005 16:15

> When I look in gcc-4.0.0-20050410/INSTALL at specific.html

  Oh, BTW, it seems the internal links in that page are b0rked in the usual
sort of way, owing to the mangling of 'special' characters.  A link like:

<li><a href="#*-ibm-aix*">*-ibm-aix*</a>

doesn't actually link up with an anchor like

<!-- rs6000-ibm-aix*, powerpc-ibm-aix* -->

<h3 class="heading"><a name="TOC24"></a><a

  Oh, and the back-links from chapters to TOC don't work either, because
there aren't any anchors in the TOC at all.

  Oh, and there are TOC entries for chapters that don't exist at all, such

<li><a href="#powerpc-*-eabiaix">powerpc-*-eabiaix</a>

  Not exactly a showstopper, I know, but I thought I'd mention it for
completeness' sake...

Can't think of a witty .sigline today....

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