On Thu, Apr 07, 2005 at 11:20:46PM +0200, Björn Haase wrote:
> The reason why I have stopped posting the test results is that we are 
> currently having 481 failures for the AVR target and the existing real bugs 
> are completely hidden behind the huge number of failures due to issues like 
> "test needs trampolines but does not communicate it" or "test case assumes 
> int to be 32 bit". 
> IMHO regularly posting the same huge bug list is was not useful at all unless 
> one could distinguish between *real* and *pseudo* failures.
> I had started to adapt the testsuite by adding functionality for 
> communicating 
> that a test case asssumes int to be 32 bit and by means to switch of all 
> tests that require trampolines. 
> Unfortunately, I did not get any response to the patch I had posted to 
> gcc-patches a couple of months ago implementing additional effective target 
> keywords :-(. A useful reworking of dozens of the affected test cases 
> requires that new effective targets are present and that their names are 
> agreed upon. Since I did not get any response on it, I did refrain to 
> continue to work on testsuite adaptions so far.

I should have done that, I must have missed seeing your patch.  I'll look
for it now in the archives.


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