Mark Mitchell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> James A. Morrison wrote:
> >  I made this post, with my changes posted, to see if I would get any 
> > support.
> I'd also suggesting contacting the GCC SC to see what their reaction
> would be.

 That's a good point.  However, if I do get far enough I'm willing to
start a branch on for Pascal.  Once the branch works, then it
would be time to go to the SC to see if merging the branch in is a good idea
or not.
> Personally, I'm not necessarily convinced that adding Pascal to GCC is
> a good idea.  I like Pascal just fine, but because every new language
> adds to the load on everyone.  (In my ideal world, we'd have stable
> enough interfaces that it was easy to maintain front ends separately
> from the rest of the compiler, but, though I've been extolling that
> vision for years, I've made little progress in realizing it...)


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