On Mon, Feb 28, 2005 at 03:59:52PM -0800, Janis Johnson wrote:
> On Fri, Feb 25, 2005 at 08:14:04PM -0800, Steve Kargl wrote:
> > I would like to write a short program to test the
> > command line parsing of gfortran.  I know I can add
> > 
> > ! {dg-do run}
> > 
> > at the top of the program to have dejagnu execute the
> > the a.out file.  But, I want to execute "a.out 1 2 3".
> > Is this possible?  I tried looking through gcc.dg and
> > gfortran.dg directories, but nothing jumped out as the 
> > obvious way to do want I need.
> > 
> > If you're wondering the test program would look like
> > 
> > ! { dg-do run }
> > ! { dg?????? }  How to specify "a.out 1 2 3"?   
> > program args
> >   integer i
> >   i = iargc()
> >   if (i /= 3) call abort
> > end program
> DejaGnu's definition of ${tool}_load has an optional argument for flags
> to pass to the test program, but none of the procedures in DejaGnu or in
> gcc/testsuite/* are set up to pass such flags.  It would be fairly
> straightforward to provide a local version of gfortran_load to intercept
> calls to the global one, and have it add flags specified with a new test
> directive to the DejaGnu version of ${tool}_load.  That directive could
> be something like:
>   { dg-program-options options [{ target selector }] }
> Would something like this be useful for other languages as well, or is
> Fortran the only one in GCC that has support to process a program's
> command line?
> I'm willing to implement something like this if it looks worthwhile.

It's supposed to be possible to drop in replacements to DejaGnu in the
GCC testsuite; do other test frameworks of interest handle passing
arguments to the test program in a way that could support this?  (Sorry
for talking to myself here.)


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