"Giovanni Bajo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:


| > The kinds of programs
| > written by these two communities are drastically different, even
| > though, obviously, there is overlap between the two, mixed programs,
| > etc.  But, programmers in one camp tend to think that their style is
| > "very common" while that of the other camp is "fancy" or
| > "complicated".  The truth is that both are now mainstream uses of
| > C++, and we need to try to work well with both kinds of code.
| Let's remember also that template metaprogramming is used in v3 itself (and
| much more so when TR1 is fully merged), in Boost, in UBLAS, and many other
| libraries. There are thousands of applications which are written in the
| traditional object-oriented paradigm, and still make heavy use the above
| libraries.

Indeed.  It is very tempting to categorize uses of C++ in that
dichotomy.  But, the reality is that in actual uses of C++, the
frontier does not exist (or at least pretty fuzzy): By its very nature
of blending paradigms, it follows that most effective and pratical
programs make combination of any supported styles.

-- Gaby

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