Hi Jeff,

>> On my side, there's
>> [c++, driver] Add -lrt on Solaris
>> http://gcc.gnu.org/ml/gcc-patches/2013-05/msg01488.html
>> resubmitted as
>> http://gcc.gnu.org/ml/gcc-patches/2013-06/msg00412.html
>> It's unclear if the more intrusive solution outlined in the second
>> message (introduce libstdc++.spec) were acceptable in stage3, and I'm
>> uncertain if I can get it ready in time.
> Well, the short-term hack to g++spec.c along with the corresponding change
> to sol2.h is, OK for the trunk.

thanks, I've just installed it as a stopgap measure.

> As for the more invasive change, I'd let the C++ runtime guys decide if its
> too invasive for stage3.  If you go that route, worst case is it's
> considered too invasive and it goes in during stage1 and you can remove the
> hack-ish solution from this patch.

Right.  I just remembered that something along this line will be needed
for Solaris 10, too, which unlike Solaris 9 won't be removed in GCC
4.10.  I'll see how far I get with a libstdc++.spec patch and than let
the C++ maintainers decide what to do for 4.9.


Rainer Orth, Center for Biotechnology, Bielefeld University

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