On Thu, May 30, 2013 at 03:02:27PM -0600, Jeff Law wrote:
> >>error: __sec_reduce_min_ind or __sec_reduce_max_ind cannot have arrays
> >>with dimension greater than 1
> >
> >Same as above for this also.
> Not sure about this one.  It's possible (I'd have to sit down with
> dg.exp for a while) that it's looking for "error: " immediately
> followed by your string.   If that's the case, then it's looking for
> "error: cannot have arrays with dimension greater than"
> which won't match
> "error: __sec_reduce_min_ind or __sec_reduce_max_ind cannot have
> arrays with dimension greater than"

No, if the dg-error regexp doesn't start with number followed by :
(column), then it is matched as:
\[0-9\]+: error:\[^\n\]*
followed by the provided regexp.


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