On 9/25/23 21:56, waffl3x wrote:

On the plus side, I took my time to figure out how to best to pass down
information about whether a param is an xobj param. My initial
impression on what you were suggesting was to push another node on the
front of the list, but I stared at it for a few hours and didn't think
it would work out.

I was thinking to set a TREE_LANG_FLAG on the TREE_LIST node.

However, eventually I realized that the purpose
member if free for xobj params as it is illegal for them to have
default arguments.

Hmm, is it? I see that clang thinks so, but I don't know where they get that idea from. The grammar certainly allows it:

attribute-specifier-seqopt decl-specifier-seq declarator = initializer-clause

and I don't see anything else that prohibits it.


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