On 2022-10-21 09:58, Jonathan Wakely via Libstdc++ wrote:
How does this compare with Eric B's proposal at
https://gcc.gnu.org/legacy-ml/gcc-patches/2019-06/msg01840.html ?

It would be good if we can accept one of them for GCC 13, but I don't
know Windows well enough to determine which is better.

I had the same question...
I would like to understand what is the difference?
Moreover I would like to understand what is the difference with the already added support for the winpthreads library?

@LIU Hao, could you explain please?


On Sat, 1 Oct 2022 at 19:35, LIU Hao via Libstdc++
<libstd...@gcc.gnu.org> wrote:


After some years I think it's time to put on this topic again.

This patch series is an attempt to add a new thread model basing on the mcfgthread library (https://github.com/lhmouse/mcfgthread), which provides efficient implementations of mutexes,
condition variables, once flags, etc. for native Windows.

The first patch is necessary because somewhere in libgfortran, `pthread_t` is referenced. If the
thread model is not `posix`, it fails to compile.

The second patch implements `std::thread::hardware_concurrency()` for non-posix thread models. This would also work for the win32 thread model if `std::thread` would be supported in the future.

The third patch adds the `mcf` thread model for GCC and its libraries. A new builtin macro `__USING_MCFGTHREAD__` is added to indicate whether this new thread model is in effect. This grants `std::mutex` and `std::once_flag` trivial destructors; `std::condition_variable` is a bit unfortunate because its destructor is non-trivial, but in reality no cleanup is performed.

I have been bootstrapping GCC with the MCF thread model for more than five years. At the moment, C, C++ and Fortran are supported. Ada is untested because I don't know how to bootstrap it. Objective-C is not supported, because threading APIs for libobjc have not been implemented.

Please review. If there are any changes that I have to make, let me know.

Best regards,

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