Those two patches bump the OpenACC version number from 2.0 (alias 201306) to OpenACC 2.6 (alias 201711). I believe except for bugs and known omissions (e.g. PR93225+93226), the OpenACC 2.6 support is complete.

Additionally, it updates the documentation accordingly, no longer marks OpenACC as experimental and documents some missing run-time functions.

* https://gcc.gnu.org/ml/gcc-patches/2020-01/msg00600.html – main patch
* https://gcc.gnu.org/ml/gcc-patches/2020-01/msg01173.html – remove more 'experimental' status.

OK? — Sandra was so kind and looke through the documentation, which look fine to here.


On 1/20/20 10:39 PM, Sandra Loosemore wrote:
On 1/20/20 3:08 AM, Tobias Burnus wrote:
Hi Sandra,

On 1/20/20 5:39 AM, Sandra Loosemore wrote:
I happen to have noticed a couple weeks ago that this language about OpenACC support being experimental appears in multiple places in the gfortran manual, […]  The same disclaimer for that option in the main GCC manual was removed years ago, so unless the Fortran support is much more broken than the C/C++ support, I think it ought to be removed from the Fortran manual as well.  […]

I concur. That would be the attached patch (on top of the previous patch* in this thread).

This is good, thank you.


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