On Sun, Sep 13, 2015 at 4:29 PM, Jonathan Wakely <jwakely....@gmail.com>

> I assume you tried accessing a machine that is still running? Some of
> them are no longer inline.

Various cluster boxes will talk to me, but they only ever say "no" to any
question I ask :).

known_hosts entries no longer matched and had to be reset fwiw (probably
very little)

> >  Meanwhile, I've done a poor
> > job of keeping on top of developments here, so, could some kind soul
> remind
> > me what the ssh key maintenance procedure is?  I.e., shall I bug Laurent
> by
> > e-mail?  Open a ticket on gna.org?  Spam the list?  (Already done, I
> > admit)...
> I would try emailing Laurent.

OK, done, thanks for the concrete advice.
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