I have a similar problem. I'm wbhart on cfarm, I don't have access to any
of the machines on which my private keys were stored (they either died or
are under new management). Not an ideal situation, but then again, neither
are multiple hardware failures. :-(

I sent new keys to Laurent quite a few weeks back and followed up a few

I just thought I'd mention it since you are apparently a fellow
ex-communicant. In my case it's not an urgent problem.


On 12 September 2015 at 20:46, Greg Turner <g...@malth.us> wrote:

> Hello, I'm gmt on the cfarm.  It's been ages since I've used it, but,
> lately, I find myself hacking on some webkit projects, so... need I even
> finish that sentence? :)
> So, it seems my old dsa key no longer works.  Meanwhile, I've done a poor
> job of keeping on top of developments here, so, could some kind soul remind
> me what the ssh key maintenance procedure is?  I.e., shall I bug Laurent by
> e-mail?  Open a ticket on gna.org?  Spam the list?  (Already done, I
> admit)...
> The writing seems to be on the wall for dsa -- did everyone migrate to
> ecdsa when I wasn't looking?Perhaps I was banned due to inactivity or even
> due to consuming inappropriate amounts of disk space (I tried to be good
> but did have some large payloads back when I was active -- anything I
> missed was probably moderately huge-ish, sincere apologies if that's what
> happened).
> Thanks in advance,
> -gmt
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