Hello, I'm gmt on the cfarm.  It's been ages since I've used it, but,
lately, I find myself hacking on some webkit projects, so... need I even
finish that sentence? :)

So, it seems my old dsa key no longer works.  Meanwhile, I've done a poor
job of keeping on top of developments here, so, could some kind soul remind
me what the ssh key maintenance procedure is?  I.e., shall I bug Laurent by
e-mail?  Open a ticket on gna.org?  Spam the list?  (Already done, I

The writing seems to be on the wall for dsa -- did everyone migrate to
ecdsa when I wasn't looking?Perhaps I was banned due to inactivity or even
due to consuming inappropriate amounts of disk space (I tried to be good
but did have some large payloads back when I was active -- anything I
missed was probably moderately huge-ish, sincere apologies if that's what

Thanks in advance,

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