------- Additional Comments From jvdelisle at verizon dot net  2005-01-10 04:46 
I have managed to reduce one of the test sets, for CLS Drivers to a case of 3
failures out of 108 tests.  Looking at the test report I am able to narrow down
to three test drivers, cqrt12.f, cqrt16.f, and cqrt17.f.

Analyzing those narrows it down to the following showing the usage of each
routine in the three tests:

        12      16      17
CLANGE  1       1       1
SASUM   1               
SLAMCH  1       1       1
SNRM2   1               
CGEBD2  1               
CLASCL  1               1
CLASET  1               
SAXPY   1               
SBDSQR  1               
SLABAD  1               
LSAME           1       1
SCASUM          1       
CGEMM           1       1
CLACPY                  1
XERBLA  1               1
SLASCL  1               

I have checked out slamch and it seems to be working OK. Using grep I am getting
a count of how many other places some of thes eroutines are used.  For example
xerbla is used all over.  I think it is less likely to be the problem.  And so
it goes, a process of elimination. :)



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