------- Additional Comments From giovannibajo at libero dot it 2005-01-12 04:22 ------- (In reply to comment #14)
> I have managed to reduce one of the test sets, for CLS Drivers to a case of 3 > failures out of 108 tests. Looking at the test report I am able to > narrow down to three test drivers, cqrt12.f, cqrt16.f, and cqrt17.f. > Analyzing those narrows it down to the following showing the usage of each > routine in the three tests: That's great, Jerry! When you come up with some small testcase that you can post, make sure to open a different new bug report and attach the testcase there. We will then link it to this bug, but it's just easier to have one testcase/bug per bug report. -- http://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=5900