------- Additional Comments From billingd at gcc dot gnu dot org 2005-01-24 22:48 ------- Here are gfortran-20050125 results for LAPACK on i686-pc-cygwin, after the fix for PR 19551 went in. Broadly comparable to previous releases.
csep.out: CST drivers: 1 out of 11664 tests failed to pass the threshold csep.out: CST drivers: 1 out of 11664 tests failed to pass the threshold ctest.out: CTB: 4 out of 19888 tests failed to pass the threshold ded.out: DES: 1 out of 3270 tests failed to pass the threshold ded.out: DSX: 1 out of 3500 tests failed to pass the threshold dgd.out: DXV drivers: 200 out of 5000 tests failed to pass the threshold sgd.out: SXV drivers: 37 out of 5000 tests failed to pass the threshold ssep.out: SST: 2 out of 4662 tests failed to pass the threshold ssep.out: SST drivers: 1 out of 14256 tests failed to pass the threshold zgd.out: ZXV drivers: 24 out of 5000 tests failed to pass the threshold zgg.out: ZGG drivers: 1 out of 1273 tests failed to pass the threshold -- http://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=5900