--- Comment #3 from jiawei <jiawei at iscas dot> ---
(In reply to Kito Cheng from comment #2)
> It seems right to me?

Yes, It have the same behavior with clang, but it could generate better
assemble code like:

vl1re8.v    v24,0(a0)
addi  a4,a1,800
vs1r.v  v24,0(a1)
vsetvli  a5,zero,e8,m1,ta,ma
vlm  v24,0(a0)
vsm  v24,0(a4)

> ```
> $ riscv64-unknown-elf-gcc pr108185.c -march=rv64gcv -mabi=lp64d -O3 -S   -o
> - 
>         .file   "pr108185.c"
>         .option nopic
>         .attribute arch,
> "rv64i2p0_m2p0_a2p0_f2p0_d2p0_c2p0_v1p0_zve32f1p0_zve32x1p0_zve64d1p0_zve64f1
> p0_zve64x1p0_zvl128b1p0_zvl32b1p0_zvl64b1p0"
>         .attribute unaligned_access, 0
>         .attribute stack_align, 16
>         .text
>         .align  1
>         .globl  foo5_3
>         .type   foo5_3, @function
> foo5_3:
>         csrr    t0,vlenb
>         slli    t1,t0,1
>         csrr    a5,vlenb
>         sub     sp,sp,t1
>         slli    a3,a5,1
>         add     a3,a3,sp
>         vl1re8.v        v25,0(a0)     # Load value from *(vint8m1_t*)in
>         sub     a5,a3,a5
>         vs1r.v  v25,0(a1)             # Store value to *(vint8m1_t*)out
>         vs1r.v  v25,0(a5)             # Store value to stack, although it's
> unused.
>         addi    a4,a1,800
>         csrr    t0,vlenb
>         slli    t1,t0,1
>         vsetvli a5,zero,e8,m1,ta,ma   # Right vsetvli for vsm.v
>         vsm.v   v25,0(a4)
>         add     sp,sp,t1
>         jr      ra
>         .size   foo5_3, .-foo5_3
>         .ident  "GCC: (g44b22ab81cf) 13.0.0 20221229 (experimental)"
> ```

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