--- Comment #20 from Xionghu Luo (luoxhu at gcc dot <yinyuefengyi at 
gmail dot com> ---
Another reference is manually change the generated assembly with modifying the
source and index vspltw to verify:

luoxhu@gcc135 build $ diff q.bad.s q.good.s -U12
--- q.bad.s     2022-08-03 06:30:08.298451116 +0000
+++ q.good.s    2022-08-03 06:30:52.887250451 +0000
@@ -18,31 +18,31 @@
        addi 2,2,.TOC.-.LCF0@l
        .localentry     _Z3fooPhPjDv4_jS1_S1_S1_,.-_Z3fooPhPjDv4_jS1_S1_S1_
        mflr %r0
        std %r0,16(%r1)
        std %r30,-16(%r1)
        std %r31,-8(%r1)
        stdu %r1,-112(%r1)
        .cfi_def_cfa_offset 112
        .cfi_offset 65, 16
        .cfi_offset 30, -16
        .cfi_offset 31, -8
        mr %r30,%r3
-       vspltw %v0,%v2,0
+       vspltw %v0,%v5,3
        mfvsrwz %r7,%vs32
-       vspltw %v0,%v3,0
+       vspltw %v0,%v4,3
        mfvsrwz %r6,%vs32
-       vspltw %v0,%v4,0
+       vspltw %v0,%v3,3
        mfvsrwz %r5,%vs32
-       vspltw %v0,%v5,0
+       vspltw %v0,%v2,3
        mfvsrwz %r31,%vs32
        rldicl %r7,%r7,0,32
        rldicl %r6,%r6,0,32
        rldicl %r5,%r5,0,32
        rldicl %r4,%r31,0,32
        addis %r3,%r2,.LC0@toc@ha
        addi %r3,%r3,.LC0@toc@l
        bl printf
        stb %r31,0(%r30)
        addi %r1,%r1,112
        .cfi_def_cfa_offset 0

luoxhu@gcc135 build $ gcc q.good.s -o q.good
luoxhu@gcc135 build $ ./q.good
B0: 41fcef98, 91648e8b,7dca18c6,61707865

Which means both register and index are incorrectly used in LE nested
vec_select optimization.

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