--- Comment #24 from rguenther at suse dot de <rguenther at suse dot de> ---
On Tue, 22 Dec 2015, alalaw01 at gcc dot wrote:

> --- Comment #23 from alalaw01 at gcc dot ---
> Yes, difficult. I'm conscious that this is stage 3, and worried about adding
> too much complexity, especially if we're writing code that we'd eventually 
> drop
> in favour of a more complete framework later (i.e. in gcc7).
> I'm inclined against
> > (I wondered
> > if load-lanes would require more unrolling we should prefer SLP anyway?).
> As we've seen cases where load-lanes requires more unrolling but the code is
> still much better. Likewise your argument against
> > to query whether _all_ loads need to be permuted with SLP
> ...
> > thus if there is a load node which is not permuted then retain the SLP.
> seems convincing. I think the heuristic in comment 16 handles permutation well
> enough, and beyond that, sharing (rather than the permutation) then appears to
> be the critical factor. Unfortunately as you say SLP doesn't really handle
> sharing
> > I fear that to get a better heuristic
> > than what is proposed we need to push this for example to
> > vect_make_slp_decision where all instances are built
> Might be reasonable, but I fear it'd be of dubious benefit without:
> > and we'd need to gather some sharing data therein.
> I guess if that were a useful step towards
> > But then there is only a small step to the point where we could actually
> > compare SLP vs. non-SLP costs.
> then there is some justification, but the former feels like too much 
> complexity
> at this stage - especially to do it well; how much do we really want to gather
> data on the sharing that exists at present, rather than looking at removing
> that sharing entirely? I'm thinking of e.g. SLP nodes that are performing the
> same computations but with different permutations too - shouldn't we be aiming
> at making permutations into first class citizens/operations, and making SLP
> trees into DAGs? Longer-term goals, sure...
> So my instinct is to go with the comment 16 patch, and accept that we take the
> hit in that last testcase (i.e. the one with the sharing).

Works for me - can you get the patch "aprroved" on the ml then?

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