--- Comment #19 from rguenther at suse dot de <rguenther at suse dot de> ---
On December 16, 2015 8:24:49 PM GMT+01:00, "alalaw01 at gcc dot"
<> wrote:
>--- Comment #18 from alalaw01 at gcc dot ---
>Well, we've seen this patch fix some of the vectorizer performance
>we've had on some benchmarks.
>On SPEC...the "SLP cancelled" case triggers all over the place, but in
>most of
>those cases, doesn't lead to any codegen difference. (Presumably SLP
>would have
>failed anyway for some other reason, e.g. costs, and either we generate
>load/store-lanes either way, or we still *can't* generate
>The only sub-benchmark where codegen changes is facerec, where we seem
>*lose* st2 rather than gain....this needs more analysis.

Would be nice to have a reduced testcase for this one.

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