--- Comment #17 from rguenther at suse dot de <rguenther at suse dot de> ---
On December 14, 2015 4:44:13 PM GMT+01:00, "alalaw01 at gcc dot"
<> wrote:
>--- Comment #13 from alalaw01 at gcc dot ---
>In the longer term, is the issue here, that we aren't comparing costs
>of SLP vs
>load-lanes, right? We merely compare the cost of whichever of those
>vectorization strategies we favour, permutes et al, vs leaving it in

Correct.  And the cost of using SLP is not comparable to the cost of
interleaving/load-lanes or rather it would almost always favor the latter.

BTW, for the patch can you do a compare with SPEC or another benchmark you are
usually testing for vectorizer performance?

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