------- Comment #14 from hjl dot tools at gmail dot com  2008-06-09 02:28 
(In reply to comment #13)
> Subject: Re:  [4.3/4.4 Regression]: HOSTCC doesn't work
>  with unstalled gcc
> hjl dot tools at gmail dot com wrote:
> >>>> 1. User puts libraries/headers in $pefix/{lib,include}
> >>>> 2. User builds GCC with corresponding --prefix option
> >>>> 3. User runs "make check"
> > 
> > Do you have an example to show it doesn't work if
> > GCC_EXEC_PREFIX isn't set.
> Yes -- the scenario you quote above.  If you want to remove the setting 
> of GCC_EXEC_PREFIX, you need to explain how that is going to work.

Is 3-stage bootstrap used here? How does stage 1/2/3 compilers
find those libraries and header files?

> > That means we have to do it whenever HOSTCC is used, including new
> > and old tests. I don't think it is the right fix, given that no one
> > has shown GCC_EXEC_PREFIX really has to be set here.
> In order to properly control the test environment for the compiler just 
> built, all environment variables used by the compiler being tested
> should be explicitly set or cleared.  Otherwise, the behavior of the 
> tests will depend on things set in the user's environment, possibly for 
> their /usr/bin/gcc, which clearly makes no sense.

Will setting GCC_EXEC_PREFIX not test the just built files, but those
under GCC_EXEC_PREFIX instead?

> Unless you can find a way to localize those environment changes only to 
> the tested compiler (by setting/restoring them around every call to the 
> compiler being tested for example), HOSTCC must set/clear all the 
> environment variables that it uses.

Doesn't it make a very hard requirement for HOSTCC? You may clear
all all environment variables for gcc 4.3 today. Someone may add a new
variable later to gcc 4.5. Then you have to go back to change all



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