------- Comment #12 from hjl dot tools at gmail dot com  2008-06-08 22:54 
(In reply to comment #11)
> Subject: Re:  [4.3/4.4 Regression]: HOSTCC doesn't work
>  with unstalled gcc
> hjl dot tools at gmail dot com wrote:
> >> I suspect that if you remove the setting in site.exp you will break the 
> >> following scenario:
> >>
> >> 1. User puts libraries/headers in $pefix/{lib,include}
> >> 2. User builds GCC with corresponding --prefix option
> >> 3. User runs "make check"

Do you have an example to show it doesn't work if
GCC_EXEC_PREFIX isn't set. From what I can tell,
for most people, GCC_EXEC_PREFIX is equivalent to
unset since GCC_EXEC_PREFIX points to nowhere.
"make check" works for them, myself included. That
means that gcc testsuite can test uninstalled gcc
without setting GCC_EXEC_PREFIX. Isuggest we don't
set it and watch for fallout. We can investigate and
fix the problem when we get bug reports. Those bugs can
be assigned to me and I will fix them.

> > 
> > Can't we at least test if $(libdir)/gcc/ exists before setting it
> > blindly?
> That seems like it might work.
> What is the effective default value of GCC_EXEC_PREFIX for the compiler 
> being tested if we don't set the variable?


which doesn't exist, at least for my build.

> Also, have you tested my suggested change to HOSTCC?  If HOSTCC is 
> another GCC then any environment variables that affect the compiler 
> we're trying to test will also affect HOSTCC.  It seems to me that the 
> best way to avoid that causing problems is to make sure that HOSTCC 
> sets/unsets the environment variables it needs.

That means we have to do it whenever HOSTCC is used, including new
and old tests. I don't think it is the right fix, given that no one
has shown GCC_EXEC_PREFIX really has to be set here.



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