------- Comment #10 from hjl dot tools at gmail dot com  2008-06-08 20:45 
(In reply to comment #9)
> Subject: Re:  [4.3/4.4 Regression]: HOSTCC doesn't work
>  with unstalled gcc
> hjl dot tools at gmail dot com wrote:
> > How does gcc search the right paths when GCC_EXEC_PREFIX points
> > to non-existent directory because gcc isn't installed? Even if
> > there is a GCC_EXEC_PREFIX directory, it could be a very old
> > gcc installation and you may search very old files, instead of
> > the current ones, which are just built, but not installed yet.
> I don't remember all of the details of these changes.
> However, the compiler historically searched the configured libdir no 
> matter what.  This problem with having random old stuff in the place 
> where you're going to be installing the new compiler is not new.  People 
> wanted that behavior for in-tree testing so that if you've already put a 
> new libc in libdir the compiler you're testing can find it.
> I suspect that if you remove the setting in site.exp you will break the 
> following scenario:
> 1. User puts libraries/headers in $pefix/{lib,include}
> 2. User builds GCC with corresponding --prefix option
> 3. User runs "make check"

Can't we at least test if $(libdir)/gcc/ exists before setting it



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