------- Comment #33 from gdr at cs dot tamu dot edu  2008-01-07 08:10 -------
Subject: Re:  [4.2/4.3 regression] ICE with incompatible types for ?: with
"complex type" conversion

"mark at codesourcery dot com" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

| Subject: Re:  [4.2/4.3 regression] ICE with incompatible types
|  for ?: with "complex type" conversion
| gdr at cs dot tamu dot edu wrote:
| > | Is it conceivable that ISO C++ will ever add a
| > | complex<double>::complex(int) constructor that doesn't set the real part
| > | to the value of the argument (converted to double), and the imaginary
| > | part to zero? 
| > 
| > That isn't the issue.  My concern is whether ISO C++ will ever
| > change conversion rules, say from integers to floats or doubles.  The
| > answer is likely. 
| What's the likely change?

Ban implicit narrowing conversions, in the sense that a round trip will not
give the same value back.  The exact rules are in flux (there was a
specification discussed at the last Kona meeting, but it got changed
based on feedback, and may likely change from now to Sophia Antipolis
meeting).  However, the general idea meets consensus.

-- Gaby



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