------- Comment #28 from gdr at cs dot tamu dot edu  2008-01-07 06:57 -------
Subject: Re:  [4.2/4.3 regression] ICE with incompatible types for ?: with
"complex type" conversion

"mark at codesourcery dot com" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

| Imagine that you're a user.  You read about GNU __complex__ types in the
| manual.  You write some code with them.  Then, you want to call some C++
| functions that expect std::complex.  You look at the libstdc++ source
| code, notice a constructor there that does what you want, and use it.
| You upgrade to a new version of G++ and your code breaks.  I'm sure you
| agree that this doesn't make you happy.

But, as that hypothetical user, I would not have any ground to be unhappy.
After all, it was code based on unfounded extrapolations.

-- Gaby



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