------- Comment #2 from jh at suse dot cz  2007-09-12 12:01 -------
Subject: Re:  [4.3 Regression]  Revision 128239 causes libgomp failure

I´ve just tested ia64-linux and x86_64-linux on our testers and both are
clean WRT libgomp:
                === libgomp Summary ===

                # of expected passes            496
it might be some sort of race condition (I sometimes see libgomp
failures appear and go such as:

libgomp.fortran/omp_parse3.f90  -O0  execution test

One obvious difference is that we now consider functions produced by OMP
lowering inlinable.  This can be avoided by:

Index: omp-low.c
*** omp-low.c   (revision 128412)
--- omp-low.c   (working copy)
*************** expand_omp_parallel (struct omp_region *
*** 2589,2594 ****
--- 2589,2595 ----
        /* Inform the callgraph about the new function.  */
        DECL_STRUCT_FUNCTION (child_fn)->curr_properties
        = cfun->curr_properties;
+       DECL_UNINLINABLE (child_fn) = true;
        cgraph_add_new_function (child_fn, true);

        /* Fix the callgraph edges for child_cfun.  Those for cfun will be

I am not sure if the functions was uninlinable by decision or just
because someone forgot to play with DECL_INLINE, but can you test this
if it makes any difference?
I can not think of any other difference this patch sould cause
especially with -finline-functions.

Jakub, is libgomp safe wrt inlining?




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