------- Comment #4 from jh at suse dot cz 2007-09-12 14:16 ------- Subject: Re: [4.3 Regression] Revision 128239 causes libgomp failure
> > Have you compared the times to take for "make check" on libgomp between > revision 128238 and HEAD? With C libgomp tests only, revision 128238 takes > less than 15 seconds on a 1.5GHz ia64 machine. Revision 128239 takes more > than 20 minutes plus random failures. Interesting. At the moment I can't access any ia64 machine directly, just test via our mail based interface that won't let me time the test. Are those failures an timeouts? It might be some sort of deadlocking... Honza -- http://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=33389