Paul Vixie wrote: > Michal Zalewski wrote: >>> >>> > > when the internet moved out of academia and into the larger population, > we got tabloids and ambulance chasers in the deal. ick.
speaking of ambulance chasers, in the above-referenced article, THIS little gem: "On a scale of one to 10, it is an 11," renowned security expert Bruce Schneier said of the bug. really bruce? on a scale of doesn't-matter-at-all to worst-thing-you-could-have-previously-imagined, a read only exploit is even worse than that? no remote file modification, no root shell, no non-root shell, no data-modification, no arbitrary file system reads... just a read only heap exploit, and it's worse than anything you could have previously fucking imagined? gentlemen and ladies, we have met the enemy, and they are our egos. vixie _______________________________________________ Sent through the Full Disclosure mailing list Web Archives & RSS: