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Hello Freesurfer experts,

I am interested in using Freesurfer 7.3.2 to extract cortical thickness
values from multi-echo MPRAGE data. I ran recon-all using the T1 RMS and T2
images, and then I ran dura correction using the four T1 echo images to
create updated pial surfaces (examples of code below).

Next, can I simply run -parcstats to extract the relevant stats from the
newly created surfaces, or are there additional processing steps that are
necessary? Thank you for the help!

Example steps:

*Step 1*: Run recon-all
recon-all -subject ${SUBJECT} -i {$T1RMS} -sd ${OUTPUT} -mprage -3T -T2
${T2} -T2pial -hires -threads 16 -all

*Step 2*: Dura correction
mris_make_surfaces -dura memprage_echo%d.mgz 4 -sdir ${OUTPUT} ${SUBJECT}

*Step 3*: Extract values from new surfaces??
recon-all -subject ${SUBJECT} -parcstats

     Keith Jones

Keith G. Jones, Ph.D.
Postdoctoral Researcher
Laboratory of Dr. Robert C. Welsh
Department of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences
University of California, Los Angeles
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