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Dear community,

I have tried the tutorial for PETsurfer. I would like to ask some questions.

1) I have seen in the tutorial when you do PVC correction it is done on PET 
dynamic raw data. Is this correct? Because I have seen some tutorial where it 
is suggested on the motion corrected by AFNI image so called pet.mc.nii.gz

2) I also would like to compute hypometabolism on epileptic patients based on a 
dynamic PET so called Patlak Kinetic modeling. Is that possible with 
Freesurfer? I know there is Qmodeling toolbox in SPM but I cannot get access to 
their toolbox (some issue about the download)  and I don’t know if there is 
another workaround.

If not possible to do Patlak with FreeSurfer is it correct to assume the mean 
of the dynamic PET will provide epileptogenic zone for epileptic patients based 
on FDG-PET as hypo metabolic regions?

Rene Andrade.
Freesurfer mailing list
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