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I'm working with infant (0-30 month) MR data, and iBEAT (
 is currently doing a
better job than Infant FreeSurfer (
cortical surface recon in this age range. However, I have custom surface
ROI atlases on the fsaverage template and would very much like to leverage
FreeSurfer's stats tools to map iBEAT subject surfaces to the template and
extract stats from my custom ROIs.

To do so, I need to

   - Bring my iBEAT VTK surfaces (~47K vertices per hemisphere) into
   FreeSurfer (mris_convert?)
   - Resample the meshes to FS surface resolution (~12.5K vertices per hemi)
   - Compute curvature stats on the iBEAT surfaces
   - Use mris_surf2surf (or equivalent) to map the resampled iBEAT surface
   to the fsaverage template using curvature
   - Compute/extract anatomical stats from the regions equivalent to the
   ROIs in my template space atlas.

All of the above are presenting challenges.

So far, I tried using mris_convert to bring the VTK into FS format, but
when I tried using mris_anatomical_stats, I get errors. Note that I also
ran InfantFS on the data, and that I copied the converted (but not
downsampled) VTK pial surface from iBEAT to

> mris_anatomical_stats -log test.ibeat.log sub-0001 lh ibeat.pial

outputting results to test.ibeat.log...
reading volume
reading input surface
Using TH3 vertex volume calc
Total face volume 58098.7
Total vertex volume 57390.1 (mask=0)
reading input pial surface
error: mrisReadTriangleFile opened
okay but surface doesn't match
 nvertices:46854 != mris->nvertices:12240 || nfaces:93704 !=

error: mrisReadTriangleFile failed.

error: mris_anatomical_stats: could not read surface file

It appears this approach is failing due to a difference in meshes (the
iBEAT mesh is at a different resolution, with more elements, than the
lh.pial from InfantFS).

Any tips for this and the other steps would be a big help!

Jim H.
Jim Hengenius
Research Associate
Paus Research Group
CHU Sainte-Justine Research Centre
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