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Hi there,


I’ve come across a strange issue while running some new participants through Freesurfer 7.3.


A portion of participants (30%) are missing their stats files, although I have visually inspected the segmentation using Freeview and they look great. I have rerun autorecon3 and it only fixes the problem for select subjects. The exact error is below:


mris_place_surface --thickness ../surf/rh.white ../surf/rh.pial 20 5 ../surf/rh.thickness

   Update not needed

\n mri_brainvol_stats 1096 \n

Segmentation fault


I found one instance of this in the archives where someone recommended running:


recon-all -s subject -segstats -parcstats -parcstats2 -parcstats3 -wmparc -balabels


However, this command exits at the same point with the same error.


Thanks so much,


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