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Dear Freesurfer researchers,

I have an issue with recon-all-qcashe results. (please find the recon-all.log 

The command created fsaverage mgh files (e.g., lh.thickness.fsaverage.mgh), but 
it did not create fsaverage files with different smoothing levels (e.g.,  
lh.thickness.fwhm10.fsaverage.mgh, lh.thickness.fwhm15.fsaverage.mgh, 
lh.thickness.fwhm20.fsaverage.mgh...etc) in the individual subject "surf" 

I used the command below:

for d in Te* te* EPK* epk*
do recon-all -s $d -qcache

(Subjects names start from either Te, te, EPK or epk)

For several subjects with failed recon-all commands, I re-ran the command 

 recon-all -s subjectname -qcashe

(output from the terminal window)

It could also be that recon-all was running at one point but died in an 
unexpected way.
If it is the case that there is a process running, you can kill it and start 
over or just let it run.
If the process has died, you should type:
**Try to copy the line and then rerun again with the quche code.

I'm currently using


Do you have any ideas why the command did not produce different fwhm files?
I'm thinking about re-running the recon-all again, so I would appreciate it if 
you could help me modify the commands.
Thank you very much in advance.

Best regards,


Attachment: recon-all.log
Description: recon-all.log

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