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Hi experts,

I have been attempting to analyze a group of subjects through the longitudinal 
TRACULA pipeline and have run into many issues regarding the preprocessing step 
making use of the thalamic segmentation. I've combed through the archives on 
this topic and have found many different threads relating to issues with the 
necessary files for the thalamic segmentation not being created, particularly 
the aparc+aseg+thalnuc.nii.gz file during the trac-all -prep step.

I am attempting these analyses on a newer Mac Studio computer and cannot make 
use of the MATLAB 2014b runtime to segment the thalamus with the old script. 
Using the suggestions from 
 previous question, I ran the segment_subregions thalamus python script and 
renamed all the outputs to match the MATLAB outputs 
(ThalamicNuclei.v12.T1.FSvoxelSpace.mgz, ThalamicNuclei.v12.T1.mgz, 
ThalamicNuclei.v12.T1.volumes.txt), but still ran into errors with the prep 
script and creation of the aparc+aseg+thalnuc.nii.gz file mentioned above.

It seems like all the previous threads on this issue result in no permanent 
solution, are there any suggestions on ways to fix this, at least temporarily? 
Any discussion on this topic would be appreciated. I've also attached the log 
files from one of my failed runs, as well as the TRACULA configuration file. 
This was all done on Freesurfer 7.4.1.


Brendan Angelo, MS

Attachment: tracula.long.config
Description: tracula.long.config

Attachment: trac-all.log
Description: trac-all.log

Attachment: trac-all.error
Description: trac-all.error

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