If the difference is only between 3.0761 and 3.0327, then that is acceptably small to disregard.

On 11/21/2023 10:40 AM, 笹林大樹 wrote:

        External Email - Use Caution

Dear Dr. Greve,

I trust this message finds you well. I wanted to follow up on the inquiry I posted to the FreeSurfer mailing list a while back regarding "About Mean LGI value" as below. I understand you are busy, and I appreciate your dedication to the community. If possible, could you revisit my query when time permits?
Thank you for your time, and I look forward to hearing from you.

Daiki Sasabayashi

*差出人: *笹林大樹 <ds...@med.u-toyama.ac.jp>
*件名: **Re: [Freesurfer] About Mean LGI value*
*日付: *2023年11月9日 10:37:38 GMT-5
*宛先: *Freesurfer support list <freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>
*返信先: *Freesurfer support list <freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>

        External Email - Use Caution

Dear. Dr. Greve,

Thank you for your response.
I attached both “*h.aparc.pial_lgi.stats” and “*h.aparc.mean_pial_lgi.stats” files. For example, in left hemisphere, mean LGI value is 3.0761 (SegId 1, Seg0001, is it correct as mean LGI value?), while the average of the LGI values is about 3.0327 (the sum of the LGI values of the 34 DK atlas ROIs divided by 34: value calculated here).
Are these values acceptable?

Daiki Sasabayashi

2023/11/09 9:33、Douglas N. Greve <dgr...@mgh.harvard.edu>のメール:

How different are the values? Those two stats files are created with different programs, so there could be some small differences. But if you're seeing large differences, then that is something else. If the latter, then send both stats files.

On 11/3/2023 9:14 AM, 笹林大樹 wrote:

        External Email - Use Caution

Dear Freesurfer experts,

I have calculated the mean LGI value for each hemisphere by referring to previous archives below. However, this mean LGI value differs from the average of the LGI values listed in *h/aparc.pial_lgi.stats (i.e., the sum of the LGI values of the 34 DK atlas ROIs divided by 34).
Are these values originally subject to discrepancy?


Daiki Sasabayashi

  Re: [Freesurfer] Mean Gyrification index

Dougla s N. Greve <https://secure-web.cisco.com/155etTRjlbOK03N6VnyYbCi9rjZvuuTH6VS0qZwFyCNvBCgiZuQfPzA6ucEmisq0DRJzR_9C8WhRa770AHQsT9Qj0I1UbSYfvdn1BeUemV9fuLvDPa0kOQjjYaNbrXpidach13O5sCgS_6rgPmSCDtoaW956QhLdQwcWP4NG9l8BQsytrlZz3-sdOd-6IvjnNOk9PHV7Cguz81T1SZ_ph7tJx0Vmn-C12aby1dVnRtAgopnajhq8QONH8qveQSsEYsA0UU9LeCtHW9pTzm4DPsH4cx7Yc58CpX6sPwkCyJYnNbk72jcW_Vp2b6kw-pwF9/https%3A%2F%2Fwww.mail-archive.com%2Fsearch%3Fl%3Dfreesurfer%40nmr.mgh.harvard.edu%26q%3Dfrom%3A%2522Douglas%2BN.%2BGreve%2522> Wed, 09 Sep 2020 08:26:32 -0700 <https://secure-web.cisco.com/1M3mEVNkqqL6k6z2gdfeh6rZadzY9YD3LDHndCtPD568i5z5wTvu5gT5a_EY2u7PWqAHyr-anuwvbVDRQvmFMVDUn7XorKhOJ5QzjjSv0UYNSqkW7fP3T2w8nzb-0IqhioZ4uT6X5gMeU5SlZI11xwfN4qER0HfkHh-AMKLyx_54Sxs44naDXIfsrav_QyvM8f2FmvaKEt7kbhaf9h_IP177gduPUXPNeZkXQSjDctWR34IkDkY0iqzh9s_5DUy3OLXIHxUnZCIqK84KmKMa0r59bKWObvexIoAgSh-rwzEK2d44jm0knqw5F7m9OgVRu/https%3A%2F%2Fwww.mail-archive.com%2Fsearch%3Fl%3Dfreesurfer%40nmr.mgh.harvard.edu%26q%3Ddate%3A20200909>

It is giving you values for two segmentations: inside the label and outside the label. Use --id 1 to get only values inside the cortex label
On 9/9/2020 11:27 AM, vittal korann wrote:

             External Email - Use Caution

    Dear FreeSurfer experts

    I am working on the gyrification index of schizophrenia
    patients. I had collated global brain values such as thickness,
    GM, and WM volumes. In addition, I wanted to tabulate
    gyrification values. Using the below link I was able to extract
    the hemispheric mean gyrification values.

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    But it is giving me 2 rows of output that are adding more
    ambiguity to the existing problem. Below is the command which I
    used to get mean gyrification for the left hemisphere and also
    the corresponding output.

         *Command Line: *

         mri_segstats --slabel CSRI104 lh
         /usr/local/freesurfer//subjects/CSRI104/label/lh.cortex --i
         /usr/local/freesurfer//subjects/CSRI104/surf/lh.pial_lgi --sum


         *Output: *

         # NRows 2
         # NTableCols 10
         # ColHeaders  Index SegId NVertices Area_mm2 StructName Mean
         StdDev Min Max Range
           1   0      6879     4687.8  Seg0000     2.4509     0.2838
         1.8067     2.8873     1.0806
           2   1    128054    84259.7  Seg0001     3.0148     0.6366

    1.9369     4.7611     2.8242 My confusion is that which row I
    should take it as a mean gyrification value for the left
    hemisphere (seg0000 or seg0001)?Please guide me if there is a
    way to combine two hemispheric values and make it as
    mean gyrification alike mean thickness.

    With regards

    On Wed, Sep 9, 2020 at 4:51 PM vittal korann
    <vittalkor...@*MailScanner has detected a possible fraud
    attempt from "secure-web.cisco.com" claiming to be* gmail.com
    <mailto:vittalkor...@gmail.com>>> wrote:

         FreeSurfer experts

         I am trying to extract the mean gyrification values for the whole
         brain alike cortical thickness.
         We have all the whole-brain parameters in 'aparc.stats' file. But
         we do not have one for the gyrification index. Is there a way to
         do it?

         Would be grateful for your help.


    Freesurfer mailing list
    Freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu  <mailto:Freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>
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  * Re: [Freesurfer] Mean Gyrification index
    vittal korann
      o Re: [Freesurfer] Mean Gyrification index Douglas N. Greve
      o [Freesurfer] mean gyrification index
        vittal korann
          + Re: [Freesurfer] mean gyrification index
            Douglas N. Greve
              # Re: [Freesurfer] mean gyrification ind...
                Alexopoulos, Dimitrios
                  * Re: [Freesurfer] mean gyrification...
                    Douglas N. Greve
                      o Re: [Freesurfer] mean gyrific...
                        Alexopoulos, Dimitrios
              # Re: [Freesurfer] mean gyrification ind...
                vittal korann
                  * Re: [Freesurfer] mean gyrification...
                    Douglas N. Greve
                      o Re: [Freesurfer] mean gyrific...
                        vittal korann
                          + Re: [Freesurfer] mean gyr...
                            Douglas N. Greve
                              # Re: [Freesurfer] mean...
                                vittal korann

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