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Hello FreeSurfer Developers,

Following the FSGD examples on the website, I built the following test:

Question: Is there an association between cortisol and cortical thickness 
regressing out the effect of sex, age, APOE4_carrier (1=1 or 2 alleles, 0=no 
alleles), abeta, ptau, diagnosis (CU and CI)?
Regressors: 2 factors (sex, diagnosis) with 2 levels each, 5 covariates (age, 
APOE4_carrier (1=1 or 2 alleles, 0=no alleles), abeta, ptau, cortisol) >> 24 
Contrast: 0 0 0 0 0.5 -0.5 0.5 -0.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
GroupDescriptorFile 1
Title CSF_semgrupos
Class MaleCU
Class MaleCI
Class FemaleCU
Class FemaleCI
Variables Cortisol Age ABETA ptau APOE4_carrier
Input 098_S_4003_I224603 MaleCI 11 81.3 741.5 22.83 1

Does this feel right to you?

I am having difficulty understanding how to construct the contrast to answer 
the following question "Is the interaction between group (CU/CI) and cortisol 
significant regressing out the effect of sex, age, APOE_carrier, abeta and 
ptau?" It seems like the contrast would be the same as before.. Can you guys 
help me with this?

Thanks in advance!

Laura Willers de Souza

PhD Student in Pharmacology and Therapeutics

Zimmer Lab - Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul

- Porto Alegre/RS - Brazil

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