External Email - Use Caution        

 Dear all, Hi

for checking registration i used fsl applyxfm on an Image(1)(Called
Image.nii ) with specific Registration Matrice (Which we suppose to receive
when we apply registration Methods) and Generate the "fsl_resampled.nii.gz"
(Note: Image Orientations were LAS and in one other Experiment with also
the same problem PSR)

for our case i will attach the "fsl.mat" (Desired Matrix)

using, fsl, freesurfer, and ants i got the correct results (let's call them
"fslregistered.mat" and "freesurfer.mat" the converted lta to fsl-liked
Matrix) Everything is OK till now

 But the converted lta-like and fsl-like matrix for ANTs (Which are called
ants.lta, and ants.mat) using the lines below:
- ConvertTransformFile 3 ./ANTS/ants_0GenericAffine.mat ./ANTS/ants.txt
- lta_convert --initk ./ANTS/ants.txt --outlta ./ANTS/ants.lta --src
./Image.nii --trg ./fsl_resampled.nii.gz --ltavox2vox
- lta_convert --inlta ./ANTS/ants.lta --outfsl ./ANTS/ants.mat --src
./Image.nii --trg ./fsl_resampled.nii.gz

As All Results Images (Registered Image of all Methods) are aligned
perfectly i think that there might be some issues with lta_convert

Best Regards
Yazdan Rezaee J

*P.S. *" I've checked the one similar mail one this topic and the
conclusion on that was about (sform, qform) incompatibility but the affine
matrices of S-form and q-form are equivalent in my case."
#Insight Transform File V1.0
#Transform 0
Transform: AffineTransform_double_3_3
Parameters: 0.9996363524455046 -0.016822352667751266 -0.021075372361329673 
0.015859425565351346 0.9988587299899628 -0.04505237112045905 
0.021809206546410092 0.044701744636650304 0.9987622903054839 -2.216925653847259 
1.2129303827643694 -6.066643890825212
FixedParameters: 5.195914900051355 -10.250280974097581 -6.670270481513606

Attachment: ants.mat
Description: Binary data

Attachment: ants.lta
Description: Binary data

Attachment: fslregistered.lta
Description: Binary data

Attachment: fslregistered.mat
Description: Binary data

Attachment: freesurfer.lta
Description: Binary data

Attachment: freesurfer.mat
Description: Binary data

Attachment: fsl.mat
Description: Binary data

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