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I'm trying to perform
mri_compute_volume_fractions --o output/ --regheader FREESURFER

and it apparently works in most of the subjects except in one which gives
the following output:

$Id: mri_compute_volume_fractions.c,v 1.22 2015/09/14 12:25:01 fischl Exp $
sysname  Linux
hostname oscar
machine  x86_64
user     oscar
setenv SUBJECTS_DIR /home/oscar/Downloads/FS_12/
cd /home/oscar/Downloads/FS_12
mri_compute_volume_fractions --o output/ --regheader FREESURFER
FREESURFER/mri/rawavg.mgz --debug
outstem output/
regfile (null)
regtype 0
segfile aseg.mgz
wsurf white
psurf pial
TempVolFile (null)
Reading in aseg and surfs from /home/oscar/Downloads/FS_12_69463//FREESURFER
Loading /home/oscar/Downloads/FS_12/FREESURFER/mri/aseg.mgz
Filling empty voxels with extracerebral CSF (if not there already), nDil=3
Computing registration from header
-0.98185   0.17682  -0.06858   199.82191;
-0.11189  -0.24810   0.96225   50.90987;
-0.15313  -0.95246  -0.26338   303.22836;
 0.00000   0.00000   0.00000   1.00000;
  t = 15.599
Computing PVF (USF=2, resmm=0.500000)
  MRIhiresSeg(): filling unknowns with 257
ERROR: MRIseg2TTypeMap() tissue type for seg 29 Left-undetermined not set

Are you familiar on how to solve this error? In previous Q&A I saw this
happened in PETsurfer to some people, but that solution does not seem to
work in this case (or might might not be doing it correctly)

Any help is very welcome.
Thank you in advance
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