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Dear Freesurfer experts,
I am going to convert the preprocessed surface functional data to volume in 
fsaverage space so that I can used the processed data in SPM for further 
analysis, for example, beta series analysis. I tried mri_surf2vol, it worked. 
But it is time consuming. It takes around 5 minutes per 10 volumes. In 
addition, the result volume is too big (67MB/ volume for 256*256*256 matrix, 
1mm resolution). My data contains about  70800 brain volumes, so the needed 
time is about 40days and the storage space is about 7TB , which is 
unacceptable.  The code is  as follows: 

mri_surf2vol --o ${Dir_Subj_fMRI}/$isub/bold/${irun}/Ribbon/${iVolume} 
--subject fsaverage --so ${SUBJECTS_DIR}/fsaverage/surf/lh.white 
${Dir_Subj_fMRI}/$isub/bold/${irun}/LH/${iVolume} --so 

Are there methods with faster speed and outputing volumes with lower resolution?

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