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I have a question about freeview. Recently, when I loaded lh.pial and lh.white 
at the same time, the freeview was suddenly aborted and reported the following 

../mesa-22.0.3/src/mesa/vbo/vbo_attrib_tmp.h:234:_save_Vertex3fv: Assertion 
`used_next <= save->vertex_store->buffer_in_ram_size' failed.

But, if I load lh.pial or lh.white separately, I found it’s working. I guess 
there might be inconsistent parameters between the two files, because when I 
check another subject, both files can be visualized very well. 

Do you have any thoughts about this issue? Thank you so much for any 

PS. Previously I posted this question with the images that I use to 
troubleshoot the problem. But, I received an email saying that "this message 
need approval from moderator, because the files are larger than expected". 
However, I never receive any update/reply from the moderator so far.

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