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I have used both CAT12 and Freesurfer to segment a particular brain scan
and I get completely different volumes.

CAT12 (cc) Freesurfer 7.3.2 (cc)
Left Cerebral WM(cc): 209 242
Left Cerebral Cortex (cc): 444 269
Left Lateral Ventricle (cc): 28 43
Right Cerebral WM (cc): 208 242
Right Cerebral Cortex (cc): 440 270
Right Lateral Ventricle (cc): 20 28
Total 1350 1095
Total volume (cc): 1618.09 1309
What could be causing this difference?

The brain scan was done with MPRAGE protocol with 176x256x256 voxels of
size 1mmx0.976mmx0.976mm

Which one is correct?

The scan is of a normal adult male aged 62 with chronic migraine.

Resent because table did not work well

Michael McLaughlin,

On Fri, Jun 9, 2023 at 8:19 AM Michael Mc Laughlin <mich...@thecurate.com>

> I have used both CAT12 and Freesurfer to segment a particular brain scan
> and I get completely different volumes.
> CAT12 (cc) Freesurfer 7.3.2 (cc)
> Left Cerebral White Matter volume(cc): 209  Left hemisphere cerebral
> white matter volume 242
> Left Cerebral Cortex volume(cc): 444  Left hemisphere cortical gray
> matter volume 269
> Left Lateral Ventricle volume(cc): 28 Left-Lateral-Ventricle 43
> Right Cerebral White Matter volume(cc): 208  Right hemisphere cerebral
> white matter volume 242
> Right Cerebral Cortex volume(cc): 440  Right hemisphere cortical gray
> matter volume 270
> Right Lateral Ventricle volume(cc): 20 Right-Lateral-Ventricle 28
> Total 1350 Total 1095
> Total volume (cc): 1618.09  Brain Segmentation Volume 1309
>  Estimated Total Intracranial Volume 1852
> What could be causing this difference?
> The brain scan was done with MPRAGE protocol with 176x256x256 voxels of
> size 1mmx0.976mmx0.976mm
> Which one is correct?
> The scan is of a normal adult male aged 62 with chronic migraine.
> Michael McLaughlin,
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